Friday, August 12, 2005

Free time and nothing to do.

= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [bored.] =

I officially declare that my computer has gone kuku again. Admist the purchase of a new power supply that worked... my HDD decided to die on me next. I wouldn't really mind it dying... heck, it's been around since the millenium ! I'm not surprised it expired on me. But... it could have shown me some signs of terminability. Not some weird "Ka ka" sounds during bootup and simply not get read at all. Freak ! Thats also a main reason why I haven't been online recently... I'm just hoping one day that the zany Seagate HDD might be revived for a short while so I can backup my dear photos before letting it finally R.I.P. My photos... they are the only thing on that drive that I cant bear to forgo. It contains all the pictures I have about everything around me ! Damned Seagate shit...


I experienced the best National Day of my entire life ever. I... was working. "Has this cow gone loco?" No... on the contrary, I watched the parade from a view to die for. 22 storeys high up at a undisclosed location(Due to work reasons) I saw the parade from a rooftop ! Sad that my videos can't be uploaded... Managed to get some fantastic shots of the fireworks display. This should be enough reason for me to upgrade my handphone to a much better model... (I no longer smell D500C... it's mixed emotions between D500, E720 and D600... Hmmmm...) Whatever.

I just realised it's payday... what the hell am I doing at home on payday? OMG. I need to go out... Anyone?


Anonymous said...

i realise theres this bugger going around pasting this bunch of crap in ppl's blog commentry

Anonymous said...

Yep. Back to school. It is time for me to go back to school again.