Wednesday, October 05, 2005

time flies and the man ages.

= my speakers sing [Gwen Stefani - Cool] = & = i'm feeling... [bored.] =

I'm officially 23 years and 1 day old. Still feeling too old for my age and the binging and smoking isn't really helping much. heh?

Finally brought my parents to Hainanese St for dinner... I guess it's the first time my sis's current beau had dinner with them. Rather funny when everyone at the table is Hainanese. Hah. It's another one of my own 冷笑话.

Spent the early moments of my special day at Caesars with mao, joseph and fiona. Was a last minute kinda thing. But I enjoyed myself. Really thanks, guys. Last night was at BQ. Yes, for the man who always have anti-ed BQ, I find myself dropping by more often in the last few weeks. Had a couple of drinks with a few colleagues, one of which has his day on the 3rd. Talk about celebrations!

Supposed to be home recuperating today, but mao just called me. I guess it's time to head on out again. :-D~

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