Sunday, February 26, 2006

Inappropriate naming...

= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [cramps in my stomach] =

Imagine if you named your dog "Pussy"...

Friend: Hello... What's been up?
You: Nothing much... I just got a new "Pussy".
Friend: !?
You: Hang on a min... my Pussy's hungry.
Friend: ?!?! You feed it?!
You: Ya... why not? When it's hungry, it'll let me know.
Friend: WTF? What do you feed it with?
You: Depends lor... normally I'll go to the supermart to grab some daily food... if my pussy's lucky, I'll cook sausages and spaghetti!
Friend: O_O"

*Ring* *Ring*

You: I need your help!
Friend: ???
You: My pussy just got hit by a truck !
Friend: !!!
You: I'm rushing it to the hospital now... Hope it survives !
Friend: !!!???

*Ring* *Ring*

Friend: *Embarrassed tone* So how's your er... pussy?
You: Phew, when I rushed to the hospital, the doctor told me that though the accident looked serious, my pussy would be up and running in no time...
Friend: AH?
You: Yea, but he said that my pussy will require 12 stiches to prevent major bleeding...
Friend: HAR?
You: It's nothing really...not that painful... after the anesthetic sets in... my pussy was even smiling at me during the op !
Friend: *FAINTED*

*Ring* *Ring*

Friend: *Accustomed tone* So hows your pussy?
You: *Sobbing* My pussy just died !!!
Friend: !?!??!?!!? What happened?
You: My pussy contracted some terminal disease and I just had to put it to sleep !
Friend: *lost* and thus?
You: I'm gonna miss my pussy... but my daddy got me something new...
Friend: ???
You: I just got a replacement "Dick".

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