Tuesday, November 09, 2004

another day, another blog.

= my speakers sing [欧得洋-咻咻咻] =

dont you just get the feeling like "every day is an adventure by itself..." yet you're still cooping up in the house, wondering what to do... when you could be having so much fun outside. well, the money factor is also another important issue to consider about.

im spouting too much bullshit.

i cant seem to enjoy myself when im out anymore. i really dont know why. ever since my op, seems like all i wan to do is to stay home and rot. cant really focus on my tasks at hand when im out... always seems to be easily distracted... i need to find out WHY.

i just went to tampines earlier and gotten myself WWE:SmackdownVsRaw. Yay. havent really tried it yet, came home, took dinner, rot. .. .. .. rot somemore.

suddenly, my phone rings !

ha ha ha. who would have expected it, my hp just rang ! mayb another entry to be made later... so, with 5 more mins to spare before i go out, let me leave you with a little bit of the song im hearing... the lyrics seem to fit me...

" 欧得洋-咻咻咻

摄氏三十五度 我不再回顾 想你在他的怀里
应该幸福 我该祝福 冷得我想哭 不能哭

傻到什么程度 我心里有数 最后一口啤酒无所谓
酸或苦 能笑着送你走 就满足 很满足

看着天上乌云 满满 排山倒海 这夏季第一场雨
迎面而来 当结局不能改 我又何必躲开
没什么值得大惊小怪 就淋个痛快

听风 咻-咻-咻-嘲笑我的爱 就像感情的备胎
你别问why why why 我一直都在
你有很好的未来 再痛我也说all right

当风 咻-咻-咻-送走我的爱 街边路灯一整排

是天在 cry cry cry 我的笑还在
有天他不能依赖 你怀念我外套口袋
告诉我 我随时 stand by "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
