= my speakers sing [方大同 - 爱爱爱] = & = i'm feeling... [lethargic yet energetic.] =
Buhbye 2008 ! Helloooooo 2009 !
It's been a rough year... with a couple of life defining moments... Still, this would be a year to forget. I realised I've been slacking for almost coming to 4 months odd now... Dang time flies when you're having fun... Well... Not that fun when you see your bank account take a sky dive. Rofl?
New job ! Here I come !
New life ! Here I come !
New love ! Here I come !
More money ! Here I come !
2009 ! Here I come !!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Counting down...
= my speakers sing [Sounds from 不良笑花] = & = i'm feeling... [tired to the max.] =
8 more days and counting...
To a new year,
to a new love,
to a new job,
to a new life,
to vivifying myself !
8 more days and counting...
To a new year,
to a new love,
to a new job,
to a new life,
to vivifying myself !
Monday, December 08, 2008
End of 2008. Jobless still !
= my speakers sing [sounds of stwack!] = & = i'm feeling... [tired.] =
Dang. Pretty much the same old same old for the past 3 months? Jobless. Still. Ain't doing what I initially planned. It's still good. For the time being.
Chances of me landing a job before Xmas, 0.
I shall set a new year resolution to look for a job ASAP. That's if someone decides to offer me a lobang? Hm...... lols. Haven't really rummaged through classifieds yet though...(lazy) I really need to pull my socks up and find mahself a job soon !
I need a direction in life.
Dang. Pretty much the same old same old for the past 3 months? Jobless. Still. Ain't doing what I initially planned. It's still good. For the time being.
Chances of me landing a job before Xmas, 0.
I shall set a new year resolution to look for a job ASAP. That's if someone decides to offer me a lobang? Hm...... lols. Haven't really rummaged through classifieds yet though...(lazy) I really need to pull my socks up and find mahself a job soon !
I need a direction in life.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
We came, we drank, they closed. wtf?!
= my speakers sing [Sweet sounds of silence.] = & = i'm feeling... [Freaking tired!] =
After 3 months of drinking... Graxs closed down on Sat. Wtf? another of my drinking places downed. Am I a pubbing jinx or... rofl. Tentatively back to being a wandering spirit till we find another spot. Recce starts from today! or so I hope. rofl. Been to George's for my last two drinking sessions with the 2 dumbdumbs, 林子祥(LOL) n her. To my surprise, she actually doesn't dislike George's ! Happening ! ^.^
Till another drinking hole,
Till another song,
Till I have no more $.
Drink up !
Sidenote: I could really use a job. My life has taken a 180° change ! for the better? or the worse... only time can tell...
After 3 months of drinking... Graxs closed down on Sat. Wtf? another of my drinking places downed. Am I a pubbing jinx or... rofl. Tentatively back to being a wandering spirit till we find another spot. Recce starts from today! or so I hope. rofl. Been to George's for my last two drinking sessions with the 2 dumbdumbs, 林子祥(LOL) n her. To my surprise, she actually doesn't dislike George's ! Happening ! ^.^
Till another drinking hole,
Till another song,
Till I have no more $.
Drink up !
Sidenote: I could really use a job. My life has taken a 180° change ! for the better? or the worse... only time can tell...
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Happy Crappy Happy.
= my speakers sing [Some weird song from youtube] = & = i'm feeling... [extremely fucking tired.] =
Empty bank accounts.
New found love.
Happy 26.
Empty bank accounts.
New found love.
Happy 26.
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's another month.
= my speakers sing [Nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [Excruciatingly tired.] =
It's another job-less month. I think I should really try out wama's car garage lobang. Bank's falling mighty low might fast... rofl.
Btw, I'm hitched. After one year of solo-army. I found another one. Call it my fate. But what's bound to come will come. And it's here yet again. Roller coaster emotional ride again? I do not know. All I know is... be happy. While it lasts. =D
It's another job-less month. I think I should really try out wama's car garage lobang. Bank's falling mighty low might fast... rofl.
Btw, I'm hitched. After one year of solo-army. I found another one. Call it my fate. But what's bound to come will come. And it's here yet again. Roller coaster emotional ride again? I do not know. All I know is... be happy. While it lasts. =D
Sunday, August 17, 2008
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [reasonably pissed.] =
Public !
Public !
Monday, August 11, 2008
Ok. The stage is set. My life is coming back to me again.
= my speakers sing [Nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [Blank.] =
3 More days. Just three more. I will be ! normal again ! Then again... What will I do now?
Oh yea... I'm a part time car salesman too. (=.=)
Just spent this weekend stoning at home. Caught the damn flu bug from Jo and I'm having sorethroat as well. Ugh. Sad. Looking for a fresh day tomorrow ! Gotta leave home and take a walk somewhere ! Anyone looking to join me to walk off the monday blues? :-D
Sidenote: Wa lao... From an original trip to Taiwan, downgraded to Thailand... then Phuket... now Batam?! Wtf?
3 More days. Just three more. I will be ! normal again ! Then again... What will I do now?
Oh yea... I'm a part time car salesman too. (=.=)
Just spent this weekend stoning at home. Caught the damn flu bug from Jo and I'm having sorethroat as well. Ugh. Sad. Looking for a fresh day tomorrow ! Gotta leave home and take a walk somewhere ! Anyone looking to join me to walk off the monday blues? :-D
Sidenote: Wa lao... From an original trip to Taiwan, downgraded to Thailand... then Phuket... now Batam?! Wtf?
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Lobang Alert !
= my speakers sing [苏永康 - 拥抱] = & = i'm feeling... [lethargic.] =
9 more days to final goodbye. Can't wait.
Anyway, dear friends... dear all... If anyone of you are looking for a new handphone change, feel free to come and look for me. Am helping a friend with his handphone business. Will give best deals in town !
What I need are... the model and the lowest pricing you can find outside. Trade ins are available based on handset condition. Memory cards are available as well. All models are first hand with warranty. No worries there. PlayStationPortables, PlayStation3s, Nintendo DualScreens are available as well... Registered company with friendly and reliable services. Just gimmie a holla on what you need... I'll try to get back to you ASAP ! :-D
9 more days to final goodbye. Can't wait.
Anyway, dear friends... dear all... If anyone of you are looking for a new handphone change, feel free to come and look for me. Am helping a friend with his handphone business. Will give best deals in town !
What I need are... the model and the lowest pricing you can find outside. Trade ins are available based on handset condition. Memory cards are available as well. All models are first hand with warranty. No worries there. PlayStationPortables, PlayStation3s, Nintendo DualScreens are available as well... Registered company with friendly and reliable services. Just gimmie a holla on what you need... I'll try to get back to you ASAP ! :-D
Monday, July 21, 2008
Game Set and Match.
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [pissed still.] =
Final stretch already and they are still screwing with me. What is this man... I met with some problems at work during my resignation and I came up with this analogy to describe it...
Imagine you're famished. Haven't eaten in days. You walked into this burger joint. There you saw only 1 counter serving. Around 10 people are queueing. You are so hungry you decided to cut the queue by walking behind the 5th person. When it's your turn, you tell the counter staff...
Moo: "Can I have an XX meal please."
Staff: *Visibly pissed at you jumping queue. "Okay, that'll be $10."
A little extra then what you would normally pay, but what the heck, you're famished. So, order placed and the staff decides to let you in on somemore info.
Staff: "I'm sorry, as our kitchen is severely understaffed, I'm thinking you'll need around 15mins for your order to be processed."
Moo: "Fine." *Famished, remember?
So you wait. Guess what. The bomb gets dropped 2mins before your waiting time is up.
Staff: "I'm sorry, you will have to pay an extra $5 for your meal whilst waiting as we are still severely short on staff."
Moo: "Wtf? I'll pay for whatever shit. Just get me my meal already !"
Staff: "Oh ya, you'll have to wait for another 30mins."
Moo: "..."
That probably sums up my current predicament. Fair? Yes? No?
Was browsing through dictionary.com and guess what? Word of the day reads, "Insensate".
ROFL. Very apt no?
Sidenote: GTA4 ROCKS.
Final stretch already and they are still screwing with me. What is this man... I met with some problems at work during my resignation and I came up with this analogy to describe it...
Imagine you're famished. Haven't eaten in days. You walked into this burger joint. There you saw only 1 counter serving. Around 10 people are queueing. You are so hungry you decided to cut the queue by walking behind the 5th person. When it's your turn, you tell the counter staff...
Moo: "Can I have an XX meal please."
Staff: *Visibly pissed at you jumping queue. "Okay, that'll be $10."
A little extra then what you would normally pay, but what the heck, you're famished. So, order placed and the staff decides to let you in on somemore info.
Staff: "I'm sorry, as our kitchen is severely understaffed, I'm thinking you'll need around 15mins for your order to be processed."
Moo: "Fine." *Famished, remember?
So you wait. Guess what. The bomb gets dropped 2mins before your waiting time is up.
Staff: "I'm sorry, you will have to pay an extra $5 for your meal whilst waiting as we are still severely short on staff."
Moo: "Wtf? I'll pay for whatever shit. Just get me my meal already !"
Staff: "Oh ya, you'll have to wait for another 30mins."
Moo: "..."
That probably sums up my current predicament. Fair? Yes? No?
Was browsing through dictionary.com and guess what? Word of the day reads, "Insensate".
ROFL. Very apt no?
Sidenote: GTA4 ROCKS.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Operation FREEDOM Phase 2 + sudden activation !
= my speakers sing [933 live streaming] = & = i'm feeling... [H.A.P.P.Y] =
woot ! mail sent ! ½ considered tendered? A sense of relief beckons... Alot of my colleagues are still thinking that I wont resign. wtf? whatever ! Phase 2 to commence soon~ Can't wait ! :D
* Ding Ding Ding ! * Sudden Activation !
I cannot describe the feeling inside me... When I first cast my eyes on you... I knew you were the one. The one to keep me company... the one to make me happy... the one who wont talk back to me or make me angry... well maybe sometimes.
You are...
the one.
Pictures speak a thousand words...


The shit inside the box...

Close up of the highly anticipated GTA4. :DD

The real thang?

Silver Satin... Omg So FRESH ! :DD

The insides of GTA4...

Booted Up... *Slurp*
Had abit of problems connecting to the internet... Wasted like 4-5hrs to get the wireless working... Shoutout to fats for lending his ear and helping out ! Big thanks Yo ! After I managed to establish a connection...

Tada ! Soccernet ! HDMI ROXOR !

Final shot of it's glorious cover...
Oh ya... Whatever happened to good things come in pairs?

woot ! mail sent ! ½ considered tendered? A sense of relief beckons... Alot of my colleagues are still thinking that I wont resign. wtf? whatever ! Phase 2 to commence soon~ Can't wait ! :D
* Ding Ding Ding ! * Sudden Activation !
I cannot describe the feeling inside me... When I first cast my eyes on you... I knew you were the one. The one to keep me company... the one to make me happy... the one who wont talk back to me or make me angry... well maybe sometimes.
You are...
the one.
Pictures speak a thousand words...


The shit inside the box...

Close up of the highly anticipated GTA4. :DD

The real thang?

Silver Satin... Omg So FRESH ! :DD

The insides of GTA4...

Booted Up... *Slurp*
Had abit of problems connecting to the internet... Wasted like 4-5hrs to get the wireless working... Shoutout to fats for lending his ear and helping out ! Big thanks Yo ! After I managed to establish a connection...

Tada ! Soccernet ! HDMI ROXOR !

Final shot of it's glorious cover...
Oh ya... Whatever happened to good things come in pairs?

Saturday, July 12, 2008
30+hrs more... to Operation FREEDOM Step 1.
= my speakers sing [梁静如 - 给从前的爱] = & = i'm feeling... [drowsy.] =
Was crapping earlier when a sudden random thought hit me. I was never the kind of the person that will "read" somebody. I used to think I was... but when I realised sometimes when comments are passed on some people, it's totally different from what I had initially perceived. So much so to the extent that it's so uber wrong sometimes. I guess... I'm just not into reading too much into a person... too much trust? I always make out a person for what he is and why he is. Never for maybe he wants to... or he is thinking of... maybe that's why I always get freaking stepped on my head? rofl?
Do you?
Sidenote: PS3 this monday ! Tendering this monday ! So many things on monday ! for once, no monday blues ! :DD
Was crapping earlier when a sudden random thought hit me. I was never the kind of the person that will "read" somebody. I used to think I was... but when I realised sometimes when comments are passed on some people, it's totally different from what I had initially perceived. So much so to the extent that it's so uber wrong sometimes. I guess... I'm just not into reading too much into a person... too much trust? I always make out a person for what he is and why he is. Never for maybe he wants to... or he is thinking of... maybe that's why I always get freaking stepped on my head? rofl?
Do you?
Sidenote: PS3 this monday ! Tendering this monday ! So many things on monday ! for once, no monday blues ! :DD
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
It's the final countdown !
= my speakers sing [Themes from Granado Espada] = & = i'm feeling... [Spaced Out.] =
Urgh ! This Euro has got to be one of the most kelong euro's in history man. EU-Kelong-RO ! Once again, I've deposited $500 to SGPools no interest fixed deposit account. Dammit. ...
12 more days to the moment where I officially tell them to go fly kite. I can't wait. Now... a trip to Taiwan? or Phuket... hm...
Urgh ! This Euro has got to be one of the most kelong euro's in history man. EU-Kelong-RO ! Once again, I've deposited $500 to SGPools no interest fixed deposit account. Dammit. ...
12 more days to the moment where I officially tell them to go fly kite. I can't wait. Now... a trip to Taiwan? or Phuket... hm...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [shitty.] =
Wtf? From winning abit to losing 100. Wtf is wrong with soccer betting and me. Or am I destined to lose every tourny I decide to place my dough on? My world cup's luck is back again. Since the missed jackpot on russia... 4 losses in a row. Wtf. Right. Double or nothing. 400 more to play before I throw in the towel. SGPools really know how to suck my blood. Dammit.
Extra time of Croatia's match still undergoing... I can't be bothered to watch.
Wtf? From winning abit to losing 100. Wtf is wrong with soccer betting and me. Or am I destined to lose every tourny I decide to place my dough on? My world cup's luck is back again. Since the missed jackpot on russia... 4 losses in a row. Wtf. Right. Double or nothing. 400 more to play before I throw in the towel. SGPools really know how to suck my blood. Dammit.
Extra time of Croatia's match still undergoing... I can't be bothered to watch.
Friday, June 13, 2008
= my speakers sing [sounds of silence.] = & = i'm feeling... [mopey.] =
Boat sank yesterday. Luckily fun bets all round. Jackpot tonight !
Went to the PC show yesterday... as per normal, jam packed de mar. puripuriya. Nothing fancy... though I saw a 8GB memory stick 2 pro duo for like $79.90? wtf? Maybe I should really comtemplate getting a PSP slim...
Was on my way back home earlier from SGPools when a random thought just flew into my head.
" Obstinate "
I think that to a certain extent, I am considered obstinate. Isn't everyone? I just like the way things are left just the way they are. E.G. The way things are placed on my table. The way my keyboard is placed. The way my ashtray is placed. The way I put clothes in my wardrobe. The way I put cigarettes in my holder. It's very insignificant, yet I am so bothered with it. 怪胎? Perhaps. but doesn't everyone have their own peeves? Think about it... Do our own peeves irritate others? Or are they irritating ourselves? rofl?
Boat sank yesterday. Luckily fun bets all round. Jackpot tonight !
Went to the PC show yesterday... as per normal, jam packed de mar. puripuriya. Nothing fancy... though I saw a 8GB memory stick 2 pro duo for like $79.90? wtf? Maybe I should really comtemplate getting a PSP slim...
Was on my way back home earlier from SGPools when a random thought just flew into my head.
" Obstinate "
I think that to a certain extent, I am considered obstinate. Isn't everyone? I just like the way things are left just the way they are. E.G. The way things are placed on my table. The way my keyboard is placed. The way my ashtray is placed. The way I put clothes in my wardrobe. The way I put cigarettes in my holder. It's very insignificant, yet I am so bothered with it. 怪胎? Perhaps. but doesn't everyone have their own peeves? Think about it... Do our own peeves irritate others? Or are they irritating ourselves? rofl?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [perplexed.] =
The time has come.
It's time for me to take back my 900 SGPools took from me 2 years ago.
The time has come.
It's time for me to take back my 900 SGPools took from me 2 years ago.
Friday, June 06, 2008
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [forlorn.] =
I need anew ray of light. I can't see ahead anymore. I need a new direction in life. I'm at a fork in my road of life where I definately could use some help and support. My current path leads to the darkness... It's not entirely a bad thing... part of me wants this to happen too... part of me can't help worrying...
Whining again ! As usual ! xD
I remembered reading somewhere once,
I need a
Whining again ! As usual ! xD
I remembered reading somewhere once,
" Life is not to be lived with expectations,
but to be experienced thoroughly till the last breath. "
Monday, May 26, 2008
Poof !
= my speakers sing [S.H.E. - 爱来过] = & = i'm feeling... [xtremely tired.] =
And so it is... Club Instinct is no more ~ after 2 years of ktv pubbing... the place has wound down... well... as they say, all good things come to an end. it's got to end some day... sad that it's so soon... we did enjoy ourselves during the last few nights there, turns out my future bro-in-law knows a regular there yet again. he never ceases to amaze me with his social circle. rofl?
back to the normal programs i guess... shanghaijazz... beavers... or a new ktv place? hm... i ponder... ladies & gentlemen, pls gimmie a holla if drinks are on your mind... heh.
And so it is... Club Instinct is no more ~ after 2 years of ktv pubbing... the place has wound down... well... as they say, all good things come to an end. it's got to end some day... sad that it's so soon... we did enjoy ourselves during the last few nights there, turns out my future bro-in-law knows a regular there yet again. he never ceases to amaze me with his social circle. rofl?
back to the normal programs i guess... shanghaijazz... beavers... or a new ktv place? hm... i ponder... ladies & gentlemen, pls gimmie a holla if drinks are on your mind... heh.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
It's another day...
= my speakers sing [SHE - 爱来过] = & = i'm feeling... [tired.] =
Club Instinct is going to close down ! dear all, if you wanna meet me for a drink, pls inform me ASAP ! deadline 24th may ! afterwhich... i dont know where else to go already. rofl?
Club Instinct is going to close down ! dear all, if you wanna meet me for a drink, pls inform me ASAP ! deadline 24th may ! afterwhich... i dont know where else to go already. rofl?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Blog update?
= my speakers sing [S.H.E - 你最近还好吗] = & = i'm feeling... [empty.] =
hm... since I had the spare time, decided to upgrade my blog's template... burned a couple of hours after watching 斗牛, 要不要. quite a nice show, found that the Mike Hes acting has improved since 恶魔在身边. Hebe's acting surprised me too ! If ya got the time... go watch thanks ! rofl.
3 months and counting... before i really consider the fact of tendering my resignation. cant believe time really really flies when you're having fun... with a blink of the eye... i've 80% redeemed my wretched soul that was once sold... now the only problem that's left is to find a new job ! i certainly hope i can find a suitable job to take me out of this cursed life i'm leading... and there's also grandpops being warded and waiting for the grim reaper... zzz. so many things to worry about... so little time... maybe this is my way of escaping from all of it... hiding in my room everytime i'm home... all holed up... doing nothing but senseless things to wile away my time... cant help but feel what it would be like to be living in those taiwanese drama serial settings... rofl... the life-in-the-drama mood is here again... till then... all i can do is to pass my days one at a time...
hm... since I had the spare time, decided to upgrade my blog's template... burned a couple of hours after watching 斗牛, 要不要. quite a nice show, found that the Mike Hes acting has improved since 恶魔在身边. Hebe's acting surprised me too ! If ya got the time... go watch thanks ! rofl.
3 months and counting... before i really consider the fact of tendering my resignation. cant believe time really really flies when you're having fun... with a blink of the eye... i've 80% redeemed my wretched soul that was once sold... now the only problem that's left is to find a new job ! i certainly hope i can find a suitable job to take me out of this cursed life i'm leading... and there's also grandpops being warded and waiting for the grim reaper... zzz. so many things to worry about... so little time... maybe this is my way of escaping from all of it... hiding in my room everytime i'm home... all holed up... doing nothing but senseless things to wile away my time... cant help but feel what it would be like to be living in those taiwanese drama serial settings... rofl... the life-in-the-drama mood is here again... till then... all i can do is to pass my days one at a time...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
= my speakers sing [李圣杰 - 擦肩而过] = & = i'm feeling... [hollow.] =
李圣杰 - 擦肩而过
heard this song while at a ktv the other day. been missing out on newly released songs... must update myself man ! for those whom have heard me sing? do i sound nasal? zzz
李圣杰 - 擦肩而过
heard this song while at a ktv the other day. been missing out on newly released songs... must update myself man ! for those whom have heard me sing? do i sound nasal? zzz
is it just me or are alot of my friends not blogging anymore? wtf. all the links seem dead. cb... can all ya gimmie a holler on your new blog if you have any?!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Pong piang piak. WOOOOOOOO !
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [drowsy.] =
Farewell natch. Thanks for the great 30 years.
"I light tungsten."
Farewell natch. Thanks for the great 30 years.
"I light tungsten."
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
1, Thanks You. 2, Thank Yous. 3, Thank You.
= my speakers sing [Li Sheng Jie - Hen Xiang Shuo] = & = i'm feeling... [spaced out.] =
Ahh ~ so much have happened within the last few days... wanna lose myself also no chance.
Anyway, big shoutout to ah fat for the sms. Thanks YO ! I'll be alright ! :-D
I feel like screaming out loud to the world. But i can't.
At least i managed to let some steam off. Thanks for listening. :-D
Job lobangs. I need job lobangs. Self set deadline reaching soon. Still. No. Progress. Help.
All alone... in my house... thinking about whats to happen in the future... lululu...
Am i to succumb to pressure and stress? rofl. stay tuned to find out !
Ahh ~ so much have happened within the last few days... wanna lose myself also no chance.
Anyway, big shoutout to ah fat for the sms. Thanks YO ! I'll be alright ! :-D
I feel like screaming out loud to the world. But i can't.
At least i managed to let some steam off. Thanks for listening. :-D
Job lobangs. I need job lobangs. Self set deadline reaching soon. Still. No. Progress. Help.
All alone... in my house... thinking about whats to happen in the future... lululu...
Am i to succumb to pressure and stress? rofl. stay tuned to find out !
Thursday, March 27, 2008
oh. what has happened?
= my speakers sing [nothing] = & = i'm feeling... [useless] =
within the start of the new year, i find my life in a downward spiral. my mother's condition has worsened, i've had to make a very difficult decision and there's still nothing on my mind for a new job. what else can go wrong, i do not know.
i guess my blog's name "The" moments really fit the situation right now. i'm a "A" moment that i would probably remember for the rest of my life...
regrets... i have plenty. time to forget? plenty of time. drink eat sleep work. 4 words i get by these days. crap, i know. at least i have something to get my mind off other things. i actually had thought of a shitload to write while tossing and turning in my bed last night... well... as they say, what comes before sleep, disappears the next morning. well, actually i'm the one who says that. rofl?
i don't know how long more can i last... before i eventually give up on myself. thats something i don't really wanna see happen. losing myself... god knows what i'll end up like. struggling and striving to keep my sane state of mind. i can't lose myself... no matter what happens...
within the start of the new year, i find my life in a downward spiral. my mother's condition has worsened, i've had to make a very difficult decision and there's still nothing on my mind for a new job. what else can go wrong, i do not know.
i guess my blog's name "The" moments really fit the situation right now. i'm a "A" moment that i would probably remember for the rest of my life...
regrets... i have plenty. time to forget? plenty of time. drink eat sleep work. 4 words i get by these days. crap, i know. at least i have something to get my mind off other things. i actually had thought of a shitload to write while tossing and turning in my bed last night... well... as they say, what comes before sleep, disappears the next morning. well, actually i'm the one who says that. rofl?
i don't know how long more can i last... before i eventually give up on myself. thats something i don't really wanna see happen. losing myself... god knows what i'll end up like. struggling and striving to keep my sane state of mind. i can't lose myself... no matter what happens...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [empty.] =
After one year and 28 days...
Too many things to be said...
Better off to be left unsaid.
Too many grumbles to make...
It's better not to brood over it.
Too much happiness to be left behind...
Too much unhappiness to endure.
Too many problems...
Too little solutions.
I guess... It's best that we move on... and look forward to what life has in store for us.
I sincerely wish you all the best.
May you find true happiness at the corner ahead...
So long and good bye.
After one year and 28 days...
Too many things to be said...
Better off to be left unsaid.
Too many grumbles to make...
It's better not to brood over it.
Too much happiness to be left behind...
Too much unhappiness to endure.
Too many problems...
Too little solutions.
I guess... It's best that we move on... and look forward to what life has in store for us.
I sincerely wish you all the best.
May you find true happiness at the corner ahead...
So long and good bye.