Monday, June 13, 2005

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam yam yam yam x10 seng.

= my speakers sing [张敬轩 - 断点] = & = i'm feeling... [stoned.] =

Last night's dinner was a blast. The food was great, the atmosphere was wonderful, plenty of eye candy and entertainment to boot. But it was really a very lavishly spent wedding. The groom looked like a million dollars. Super yan dao kia. Very photogenic as I saw from the wedding album... He should be acting instead of joining this line. rofl?


The status of a legendary figure was confirmed once again. He's none-other then my super good friend colleague everyone loves in the office. We managed to make him puke on the spot due to his kay kiang-ness. We would not have done that in the first place but that sucker of an idiot came over our table to challenge... a female. As sporting as we were, we jio-ed him one after another and being the kay kiang king, he sportingly drank all.

Well, as the saying goes,

"When a bucket is being filled with water constantly, the excess will overflow."
(One way or another.)

He was the bucket.

After the last glass of red wine and half a glass of beer from yours truly...

He overflowed.

ROFL ! *Kodak moment*

But I'm not so mean as to post the Merlion act on the net. I've even left out the names of the parties involved so as to protect their identities. But luckily somebody has got a girlfriend to take care of him. lol.

That ends the spectacular wedding many of us will remember for quite some time. I know I will. Now I'm just rotting at home after a visit to the doctors... my back has some skin irritations and it's really quite bad... grrrr....

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