Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Excuse me, but I'd like to...

= my speakers sing [Take That - Nobody Else] =

I'd like to... help you on your work whenever you need it.

I'd like to... be your first passenger when you own a car.
I'd like to... pick you up from the airport when you return home.
I'd like to... pray for your every flight to be smooth sailing.
I'd like to... make a passport because of you.
I'd like to... keep you company, even if it means just sitting next to you, keeping very quiet.
I'd like to... perfect a duet with you.
I'd like to... take a stroll with you along the beach.
I'd like to... sip a cuppa with you on a sunny day just slacking somewhere.
I'd like to... let you hold me when we're watching a scary movie.
I'd like to... massage you when you come back from a flight.
I'd like to... hug you and make you warm when you're feeling cold.
I'd like to... make you happy.
I'd like to... make you feel loved the way you should be.
I'd like to... be with you~~~

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