Friday, April 08, 2005

my first time...

= my speakers sing [李圣杰 - 手放开] = & = i'm feeling... [excited and tired] =

yes. amao is back ! after a month or so... he's back from Thailand. of course, he jio-ed me to go caesars but... fark ! couldnt meet him last night... had to go on a makan trip with my colleagues, which brings me to another point...

my first time... yes. i gave my virgin trip to my team. my virgin trip out of singapore. first chop my on me brand new. yes. brand new passport ! (for those who dont know me, i didnt really like the idea of travelling so i put off applying for a passport for the past... er, decade or so.) i was damn excited on our way there... although we jammed at the causeway for an hour or so and only reached JB around 1130pm? and i waited since 7pm. hahahahahahaha. the journey was rather precarious... given that we had no idea wtf the signboards were saying and all of us were following closely to each others' vehicle... went past a seaside and ended up at some restaurant by the roadside... but it was all good... the makan session lasted for 2 hours odd. ate damn loads of seafood and when the total bill came... woo hoo ! lets just say, each person had to pay around only S$10+ ! shiok man ! of course, the cigs and barble gum were cheap too ! ^^


been singing alot rather recently... my voice is also pretty much gone... last night after the makan session, a couple of my colleagues and i adjourned to Kbox Cineleisure since it was like... 2am? and the place closes at 5am. (wow.) pretty much sang ourselves silly... hahaha. i should start to take a mini-break from singing... hm... no. hahahaha singing is fun ! as i said to my good friend, im a certified 100% singing whore ! hahahaha.


had a close shave just now... dropped my freaking new $50 zippo on the floor and yes, the shape of the zippo was altered when i picked it up on the floor. MAJOR DAMAGE. luckily, due to the smart thinking of mr cow, i managed to twist, turn and mould the zippo back into shape. *phew* thank god. i couldnt imagine if i wasnt able to turn it back to the original shape. *heart pain* i wan to watch be cool ! hopefully this sat would be a good day... heh. alot running through my mind now but i cant just seem to put it into words. till then, i shall prepare myself for work first and maybe jot down more shit when i come home from work tomorrow. sayo-the-nara !

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