Sunday, July 31, 2005

I seriously need vitamins.

= my speakers sing [nothing.] = & = i'm feeling... [weak.] =

Went to the doctor's the other day... found out that my tonsil problem hasn't really ended yet. My tonsil bed(the place in my throat where my tonsils used to grow), had a thin line of ulcer growing there and it was the root of my fever and sore throat. Got a jab... 98 frickin bucks. From last tues till now... the fever's never been far off. Argh.

Did I mention that my comp blew? Luckily it was only the power supply. Thank god. But I bought the wrong psu initially. LOL. When I was at Sim Lim, the shop assistant asked how many pins I wanted, I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. So I just went with 24pins. When I got home... Dang. My motherboard uses a 20pin psu. Fuck ! So there I was, sick, pissed about my comp being blown and stuck with a wrong psu. I did the next best thing. I took a nap. When I woke up, I had dinner and slept somemore. Figured I could only change the psu the next day. So back to SLS I went and I think they changed a more expensive psu for me instead. LOL.


There was also the BBQ that totally went wrong. A case of bad charcoal. Real bad. Ended up at gib's house microwaving everything there is ! At least we got to give mel a belated birthday celebration. :D


I'm feeling queasy now. I think I'll go do something I've been doing alot recently. Lie down.

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